LDI hiring a Post-doctoral Research Associate

The Labor Dynamics Institute at Cornell University announces a full-time Post-doctoral fellowship.

The Labor Dynamics Institute at Cornell University announces a full-time Post-doctoral fellowship for 2015-2016, with a possible extension to 2016-17. The post-doc can be awarded to a recent Ph.D. in Economics, Public Policy, Computer Science (with some social science background), Statistics (with some social science background) or related field. The post-doc would carry out research useful to two NSF-funded projects, working on the interface between economics, computer science, and statistics to develop disclosure avoidance methods appropriate for complex economic microdata. The post-doc will contribute through research, including peer-reviewed papers, and will participate in grant-related reporting and grant-related scientific meetings. For more information, see http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/LDI/research/TC.html and http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/LDI/research/Cornell-NSF-CensusResearchNode.html.

The applicant must have strong quantitative skills, familiarity with confidentiality protection methods, familiarity with labor market and other relevant data, and a willingness to focus on applied confidentiality protection methods.

The position could start as early as February 1, 2015 and as late as September 1, 2015. For more information and to apply, please go to https://cornellu.taleo.net/careersection/10220/jobdetail.ftl?lang=en&job....