R wrapper for Synthesizing Truncated Count Data for Confidentiality (Rmtcd)

mtcd is a standalone C++ implementation of the statistical model proposed in “Synthesizing Truncated Count Data for Confidentiality”, developed by the Duke-NISS NCRN node (see this page). Our team, part of the LDI Summer Lab 2015, created a R wrapper around mtcd, called Rmtcd. See https://github.com/ncrncornell/Rmtcd for all additional details.


Charley Chen, Hautahi Kingi, Alice Chou, & Lars Vilhuber. (2015, October 20). ncrncornell/Rmtcd: Synthesizing Truncated Count Data for Confidentiality (Rmtcd). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1034211