Census Bureau

U.S. Census Bureau Director John Thompson to step down in June 2017

John Thompson is stepping down next month as director of the U.S. Census Bureau, after three decades of service in the federal government and at NORC. Thompson has been a strong supporter of the increased interaction between the Census Bureau and the academic community, including the NSF-Census Research Network. His support for NCRN has been strong since his appointment in August 2013, when he took over the reins from his predecessor Robert Groves. We wish him well in his future endeavors.

John M. Abowd gives the Julius Shiskin Memorial Award Seminar on Sept 6, 2016

John M. Abowd, NCRN Cornell and now Associate Director for Research and Methodology and Chief Scientist at the U.S. Census Bureau is the2016 Recipient of Julius Shiskin Memorial Award for Economic Statistics. He will speak on September 6, 2016 at the WSS JULIUS SHISKIN MEMORIAL AWARD SEMINAR on “How Will Statistical Agencies Operate When All Data are Private?”